As much as many people dislike winter and shiver at the sound of snow, ice, and cold, me and my family are the ones who are shivering with excitement to embrace the fun that can be had. What a great start to the new year with so much snow and a bit of an ice pack out there. Recently, my family and I gathered for some sledding fun to celebrate the end of 2013 and to ring in 2014. There’s really nothing like an afternoon spent on a snow-covered hill with nothing but a plastic sled between you and the ground to make you feel like a kid again.

For the last couple years we planned to meet at our favorite sliding spot near my house and see who can go the furthest, who can make the highest jump, who can stay on my husband’s sled the longest without bailing for fear of a disastrous crash, and most importantly, who can walk away without a limp.

After trudging through the field with my snowshoes to help pack a path for the gang, we all headed up over the hill. The temperature was perfect, hovering just above zero. The sun was shining and the snow was just waiting for us to pack it down for a fast ride to the bottom.
With the freezing temperatures and the recent storm, the snow was light and fluffy on top, making for the potential for some serious whitewash as we barreled down over the hill.

Andy and Robert took off first to pack the trail with a giant inflatable tube. It was all over after that. As each group of kids took their turns down the hill, it got faster and faster. The bottom came quick, without any real way of steering away from the water bar at the bottom, each of them hit the erosion-preventing jump and laughed as snow flew into their faces. As each of the sleds went airborne, legs and arms started flying for fear of who or what they were about to run into. Especially with two trails running, only I could see from my vantage point where I stood at the bottom capturing the customary still shots and video, who was in danger of colliding, while watching all the faces become red from snow and cold, but then it was my turn. I couldn’t wait any longer.

I made my way to the top of the hill, camera in hand, and climbed into one of our big orange toboggan-style sleds with my oldest niece. She was going to be my driver while I shot video. Camera on. Feet in. Heart racing. My husband gave us one of his signature pushes and down we went.
Now, let me be perfectly honest with you, I don’t like to hit things. I don’t want any broken parts and I can’t stand coming down on my tailbone, so this was a bit frightening to leave control of the sled in India’s hands. But, in no time at all we were racing toward the jump at the bottom and my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest.
All of a sudden, there was snow in our faces, limbs were flying and we had landed upside down in the ditch at the side of the jump. Everything was intact. The laughing ensued from everyone who looked on, as our faces were covered with snow, with the only visible signs being our smiles.

Another memory made. And, isn’t that what it’s all about? Making memories with those we love?
I remember being outside with my cousins as a child and playing until it was long after dark. I remember my dad taking us up the mountain to sled back down and my aunts and uncles being apart of the fun.

As an aunt, I want my nieces and nephews and their friends to have fond memories of all we did with them. I pray that you find ways to make great outdoor memories with your family.  

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