Gov. Paul LePage thinks he is above the law. He said he would pass along the Alexander Group report on expanding Medicaid in Maine when he was good and ready. On Jan. 8, Maine’s attorney general stated that, by law, the report should be released immediately to the public.

I believe that if jobs could be brought back to the U.S. (and Maine), there would be fewer people on food stamps or qualifying for MaineCare. This state is going downhill fast and it seems that Gov. LePage only cares about what he wants. The public has to jump through hoops.

Someone said it is like a three-ring circus. Those are not the words I would have used, but that is a nicer way of putting it.

The situation in Maine is laughable and painful, all at once.

Phyllis Caron, Lewiston

Editor’s note: The Alexander Group report was released on Jan. 10; it had been delivered to state officials on Dec. 16.

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