Maine’s judicial liaison warned Friday about telephone scammers posing as court employees who are calling people statewide, including in Auburn.

Mary Ann Lynch, government and media counsel for Maine’s judicial branch, said some people have complained about getting phone calls telling them they have missed court dates or fine payments or that a warrant has been issued for their arrests. The callers then ask for personal information.

The calls have occurred in Auburn, Alfred, Bridgton and Fort Kent, Lynch said, “So, it appears to be a statewide scam.”

The phone number that appears on caller identification is an official Maine courthouse number, something called “caller ID spoofing,” Lynch said. “Unfortunately, it happens with increasing frequency,” she said.

“The Maine Judicial Branch wants Maine people to know that the courts’ collection practices do not include telephone or email contact, and that no one working for Maine courts will request credit cards, Social Security numbers or other personal information either over the telephone or by email,” Lynch said.

If a court fine or traffic violation fine is owed the court, it may send a letter by U.S. Postal Service. The court may issue a warrant for arrest or a state tax refund may be reduced by the amount of the debt owed the state, Lynch said in a written release.

Payments for traffic tickets may be made online at

Court fines can be paid at Clerks in the office at the courthouse where the fine was ordered can accept payment for fines.

“People should not be giving personal information over the telephone, and if they have a question they should call the local courthouse and speak to the court clerk,” Lynch said.