The 42nd Annual Twin City Titans Lion’s Tournament, sponsored by The Fortin Group, is on tap for this weekend at the Norway Savings Bank Arena in Auburn.

Opening Ceremonies will begin on Saturday, Feb. 15 at 11 a.m. Over 500 players and coaches will be particpating in the event.

Ranging from ages from 5 years old to 14, the hockey players will be playing a total of 62 games during this six-day event.

This doesn’t include the Skills and Drills competition, which is an especially fun day for all the players.

The Twin City Titans expect to have 60 Atoms, 45 Mini-Mites, eight Mite teams, six Squirt teams, five Peewee teams, four Bantam teams, and four girls’ hockey teams participating in the event, including two teams from Lac Megantic in Quebec, Canada.

This year will be the first time The Twin City Titans Lion’s Tournament will be held at the new Norway Savings Bank Arena. Now home of the Twin City Titans, this state-of-the-art arena will be home to the brand new Lion’s Tournament Trophies and memorabilia .

Colored programs with team photos, sponsors, and pictures of hockey friends and families will be on hand, as well as plenty of chances to win door and raffle prizes. Admission is free this year, so come join in the fun. You can also enjoy home movies of previous Lion’s Tournaments, which will be playing on one of the many huge flat screen TVs in the Mezzanine area.

Opening Ceremonies will begin on Saturday, Feb. 15 at 11 a.m. All 500 participants will parade onto the ice, carting their custom-made team banners and proudly wearing their team colors. Words of inspiration will be shared by the honorable Mayor of Auburn, Jonathon Labonte and other dignitaries. There will be the traditional puck dropping ceremony and the singing of the Canadian and American national anthems, which will be sung by the Auburn Middle School Choir.

This tournament started back in 1972 with a grant from the Lewiston Lions Club and others to provide an outlet for school children during February vacation week.

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