CASCO — Forest landowners, municipal officials and other members of the public are invited to an informational meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17, at the Casco Community Center, 940 Meadow Road on Route 121 in the Casco Village.

The meeting will feature a presentation by Paul Hunt, environmental manager of the Portland Water District.

The presentation will feature recent efforts by PWD to support forestland conservation efforts to protect Sebago Lake, the second largest lake in Maine and the primary drinking water supply for 200,000 people in 11 communities.

PWD has been actively monitoring and working to protect Sebago Lake since 1908 and they currently operate with a waiver to the filtration requirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act due in part to the purity of the water and the effectiveness of watershed protection efforts. PWD’s Board of Trustees recently expanded their grant program to provide financial support of up to 25 percent of a qualified land protection project.

Loon Echo Land Trust and the Casco Open Space Commission are hosting this event as a part of the implementation of the Lake Region Greenprint. The Greenprint was developed in 2011 and is a strategic plan based on local and regional priorities designed to meet community open space, park, recreation and conservation goals.

Following the presentation there will be discussion and sharing of information about regional conservation accomplishments. Contact Carrie Walia at 207-647-4352 or with any questions about this event or to learn more about the Greenprint. The Greenprint plan can be found at at the “programs” tab.

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