The town of Rumford is once again in the throes of another budget season. Sadly, there have been no preliminary meetings to look at where we are as a town, where we want to be, or what we need to do to get there.

To avoid a repeat of last year’s five trips to the polls to achieve a town budget, it will be necessary for citizens to turn out and speak out at the regular series of 10 workshops, budget meetings and public hearings held by the selectmen and finance committee during the coming weeks. Most importantly, it will be necessary for the selectmen and committee members to listen and act in keeping with the will of the people.

In my opinion and personal past experience, when I was unable to attend, the next best way to stay on top of the town’s meeting goings-on was to watch the recorded meetings on WVAC and submit my comments, advice and suggestions in writing — exercising the pen and keyboard as Benjamin Franklin and John Hancock did so effectively.

I truly believe that Rumford citizens, by expressing their will, being informed and participating whenever and however possible, can make all the difference in what the future will bring, whether it is with the cooperation of the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee or, as it was last year, by vetoing the big spending in the voting booth.

Candice Casey, Rumford