Mike Michaud’s campaign plan for governor, as presented in the Sun Journal Feb. 20, shows me that he has been in Washington too long and has lost touch with real Mainers’ problems.

He has learned how to borrow and spend, spend, spend. He has voted for the billions spent on Obamacare, the stimulus and bailout packages, more entitlements, and added to the nation’s $17 trillion debt — all without offering any solutions.

His plan for Maine? More spending. He calls for $72 million in new state spending, including such things as a tuition-free year of college, and supports increasing Maine’s welfare rolls by 70,000 people.

He has no plan to pay for any of it. Where does he think the money will come from?

Unlike Washington, Maine cannot print money to cover overspending.

Maine cannot afford a big-spending, progressive governor. The people need officials in Augusta with some common sense.

George Mathews, Auburn