RUMFORD — After a 6 p.m. public hearing on department budgets, selectmen will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 6, in Rumford Falls Auditorium.

Old business to resolve includes discussion with the Parks Commission to replace a 1-ton truck and buy a dump trailer and to consider a request for financial support for an FM radio station.

At the board’s last meeting Feb. 20, Dan Richard, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, asked that the board reconsider the bid because repairing the truck would cost $6,500. He said it is worth $4,500 as a trade-in.

He said the truck is 14 years old, was scheduled to be replaced through the Capital Plan a few years ago and has been brought before selectmen twice for replacement. The funds are available in the Capital Plan.

At the selectmen’s Nov. 21 meeting, they voted not to buy the truck. At the Feb. 20 meeting, that vote was rescinded.

Selectman Frank DiConzo made a motion to buy the truck, if a ¾-ton truck is not available among the town vehicles, or go back out to bid if the bidders will no longer honor their prices. After discussion, he rescinded the motion.


However, Town Manager John Madigan clarified DiConzo’s intent to have Madigan check to see if Rumford has a ¾-ton truck available at the Public Works Department. If so, the town would buy the dump trailer to go with it. If a comparable truck isn’t available, then the truck and dump trailer would be re-bid and placed back on the next agenda.

Also at the Feb. 20 meeting, Kevin Saisi explained the purpose and goal of establishing an FM radio station to help promote the area. He requested $10,000 from cable franchise fees to help in the initial setup.

He said signs would be placed along main routes into town to let people know where to tune in. Packets of information were provided to the board with details of his proposal, according to the meeting minutes.

Police Chief Stacy Carter was concerned about interference with the signal from the radio tower that is used for emergency communications. Board Chairman Greg Buccina asked Carter to look in to whether this would interfere.

Answering another question, Saisi said this funding is for initial capital start-up. He anticipates that the radio station will be able to fund its own operations.

Selectmen Jeff Sterling and Jolene Lovejoy found merit in the proposal and the idea to help promote the area.


But Buccina and Selectman Brad Adley were concerned about the cable franchise fees being used for this purpose. They believed an initiated article request might be the best route to follow for funding because that would let residents decide. The matter was tabled to the March 6 meeting.

New business items include requests from WVAC-TV 7 for cable franchise fees; donation of cable franchise fees for a professional logging event at Black Mountain; funding from economic development funds to the River Valley Growth Council; and from Le Paresseux for a St. Patrick’s Day Parade permit.

The board is also asked to make an appointment to the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments board of directors.