I expected misunderstanding would happen regarding my letter (Feb. 13) concerning snowmobiles on the “ski trail” at Bradbury Mountain State Park, as evidenced by Dan Bilodeau’s response on March 4.
I often enjoy skiing on snowmobile trails. In some cases, the grooming they provide is sometimes excellent, and sometimes, it reduces the snow cover to bare ground.
In my letter, I specifically questioned the wisdom of allowing motorized sleds on a pedestrian trail, especially considering the fact that the majority of users at this particular place are not snowmobilers.
Yes, I know that my skis are not “natural.” Yes, I know that I drive my car to the park, and it pollutes. I agree that multiple users can enjoy sharing winter fun in many areas, and I am not attempting to discredit snowmobilers.
I understand that snowmobile clubs do trail maintenance in many areas, but that is not the case at Bradbury Mountain State Park. User fees for the parks pay for trail maintenance there, and volunteers from various sporting clubs (none of them snowmobile clubs) perform those chain saw duties.
There are thousands of miles of snowmobile trails in Maine, I am only suggesting that one small “ski” trail might not be the best place for shared use.
In fact, the trails across the road from the main gate are a great place for snowmobiles.
Juliette Kearns, Auburn
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