AUGUSTA — Maine’s Democratic-led House gave initial approval Tuesday to a bill to expand Medicaid coverage to low-income residents under the federal health care law, but the bill crafted by two moderate Republican senators will need to garner more support in both chambers to survive a future veto from Republican Gov. Paul LePage.

The proposal, from Republican Sens. Roger Katz and Tom Saviello, would also privatize the state’s program through managed care and allow the state to withdraw after three years, when the federal government begins to gradually pay less for the program. Those provisions are an effort to attract GOP votes, but the proposal has done little to alter the Medicaid expansion debate since last session when lawmakers twice failed to overturn LePage’s rejection of the proposal.

Democratic lawmakers called the bill a compromise and urged Republicans to consider the thousands of people that will be left without coverage if the state doesn’t expand Medicaid.

“What I am hoping is that people will be able to get beyond the partisan lens that we always seem to have in this building and really come together to do something that’s not just right for Maine’s economy, but what’s right for thousands of people that, in my opinion, their lives depend on,” said Rep. Adam Goode, a Democrat from Bangor.

The 97-49 vote in the House falls just shy of the two-thirds support of present-and voting-lawmakers that would be needed to survive a veto. The Senate’s 22-13 vote last week fell two votes short of what it would need for an override if all 35 members vote.

Republicans stressed that many Mainers have other options, like private plans on the federally run health care marketplace, some of which can cost only a few dollars a month for some people who qualify for subsidies. While an estimated 24,000 Mainers won’t qualify for subsidies, Rep. Deb Sanderson of Chelsea said many low-income residents can get free or cheap care through federal health centers, hospitals and clinics.

“There is no denying that coverage for individuals that fall into the gap needs to be addressed,” said Sanderson, a Republican. “However, make no mistake: This is not a debate about access. We all have access to medical care. This is a debate about payment structure and who is going to pay the bill.”