LIVERMORE — Selectpersons have made a plan for handling town business when Administrative Assistant Kurt Schaub leaves April 4 to become the town manager of Turner.

Town Office staff will shift positions to cover responsibilities, Chairwoman Megan Dion said Thursday.

The board had an emergency meeting Wednesday afternoon to put a plan in place.

Town Clerk Renda Guild will be interim administrative assistant, treasurer and tax collector, she said.

Deputy Clerk Jean Tardif will do the work Guild currently does. Amy Byron, who fills in when needed at the office, will be in the office to help do Tardif’s work and assist where needed.

Selectpersons will review an administrative assistant job description and duties and clarify it before making a decision to advertise the position, Dion said.

In the meantime, nomination papers for town treasurer, an elected two-year position, are available at the Town Office. Papers are due by 4 p.m. April 25.