DIXFIELD — RSU 10 Superintendent Craig King has scheduled two public hearings on the school budget next week.

The first is Tuesday, April 1, at the Hartford-Sumner Elementary School in Sumner; the second is Wednesday, April 2, at the Region 9 School of Applied Technology in Mexico. Both are from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

“This is a great opportunity for community members to have a dialogue with school administrators and school board members about our schools and the students they serve,” King said.

Residents of the 12-town district will have an opportunity to ask questions and hear from administrators and others about district finances.

The district includes the towns of Buckfield, Hartford, Sumner, Canton, Peru, Dixfield, Carthage, Mexico, Rumford, Byron, Roxbury and Hanover.

Both meetings call for small group discussions.


Questions of particular interest to the board and administration include:

* What do residents value in their schools?

* What do residents view as concerns regarding local schools?

* What are instructional priorities in the schools?

* What are the current budgetary issues facing RSU 10?

King’s budget goal for 2014-15 is $36.5 million, the same amount as this fiscal year. However, he said the district has learned that it will receive $1.1 million less from the state than it did this year.

He said earlier this week that the board will have to make significant changes to the district’s educational program. He said all cost centers, including staffing, buildings and grounds, extracurricular activities and support services will likely be affected by the final budget figure.

The board must also deal with a major roof leak at Mountain Valley High School in Rumford. 

Over the past couple of months, the 10 school principals have described priorities for each building. King said those priorities must be reduced by $2 million to meet the 2014-15 budget goal.