FARMINGTON — Franklin Memorial Hospital’s Bass Room was the festive setting recently of a recognition celebration for the health network’s volunteers.

The program included a social time and dinner, and entertainment by Sammie Angel who performed old-time sing-along favorites. All volunteers attending received a gift and certificates in recognition, as well as pins and service bars.

The program was in memory of 10 volunteers who have passed away since the last recognition: Bud Cook, Robert Flick, Vivian Gagnon, Nana Haines, Jeanne Paradis, Marie Ringuette, Albertine Smith, Allen Smith, Robert Stevens and Judith Wilbur.

FCHN has approximately 150 volunteers who help in numerous hospital departments and affiliated FCHN organizations, contributing nearly 15,000 hours of service this past year.

Jodi Cordes, employee and volunteer services administrator, gave special recognition to the top 10 contributors: Jean Orr, Eugene Martineau, Nye Mosher, Trudy Dawson, Patricia Kilkenny, Alvin McDonald, Lawrence Wilbur, Jean Rand, Bonnie Slater and Elizabeth Richards.

Cordes welcomes calls from anyone interested in volunteering. She can be reached at 779-2635.