Coach: Kelley Cullenberg
Last year’s results: Eighth in KVAC, 11th in Class A
Returning letter-winners: Seniors — Brad Dwinal (throws), Connor Farrington (throws), Josh Horne (distance, middle distance), Brandyn Kendall (throws), Tim Meservier (distance), Colin Richards (throws), Dustin Staples (middle distance); Juniors — Max Blais (distance, middle distance), McKinley Goozey (throws, sprints), Dan Lesko (distance, middle distance), Sam McIntosh (middle distance), Connor Savage (throws, sprints); Sophomores — Mitch Guillaume (sprints), Ben Luchini (race walk, middle distance), Justin Meservier (middle distance), Steven Minns (race walk , sprints, jumps).
Key loss: Justin Tracy.
Promising newcomers: Seniors — Nate Backus (sprints, middle distance, jumps), Eli Cohen (sprints, jumps), Thomas Haines (sprints); Juniors — Ricky Chen (sprints), Francisco Garcia (throws, sprints), Brendan Hickey (distance), J.T. Williams (throws, sprints, jumps), Aaron Willingham (distance); Sophomores — Park Laflin (middle distance), Jack Leopold (sprints, throws), Nate Pratt-Holt (sprints, jumps); Freshmen — Noah Carleton (sprints), Will Frederick (sprints, throws, middle distance), Cooper Hollingsworth (sprints, middle distance, throws), Trevayne Jackson (distance), Tylor Latham (middle distance, distance), Brandon Lefresne (throws), James McBean (race walk), Malcolm Nelson (sprints), Isaiah Reid (middle distance, distance), Isaac Seigle (sprints).
Season outlook: Mt. Blue’s boys’ team is as big as its combined boys’ and girls’ teams were a year ago. Credit the new track and athletic facility at the school, although the Cougars haven’t had the opportunity to practice on it yet, thanks to the lingering snow pack. The addition of several proven athletes to a group that already included 2013 KVAC contenders Dwinal, Staples, Lesko, Minns, Farrington, Richards and Goozey gives the Cougars the look of a program on the rise.
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