LIVERMORE — Selectpersons unanimously voted Tuesday to enter into a contract with Rich Burton of Maine Animal Damage Control of Lewiston to be the new animal control officer, interim Administrative Assistant Renda Guild said Wednesday.

Burton will be paid $4,000, she said.

In another matter, selectpersons Chairwoman Megan Dion said the town should consider adding money for a new compactor to the 2014-15 budget, and consider building a salt shed in fiscal year 2015-16, Guild said. That will give town officials time to see if there are any grants available to help pay for the shed.

The town is moving toward single-sort recycling and there is a need for a second compactor at the Transfer Station. The existing compactor was installed in 2010. The plan is to use it for recycling and buy a new one. In 2010, the compactor cost $28,000, not including associated costs such as installing a pad under it.

Estimates for a new compactor will be obtained, Guild said.

Selectpersons and the Budget Committee are working on a budget for 2014-15.


Buying the compactor in the coming year’s budget will allow town officials to look for grants to help pay for the salt shed, she said.

Guild said she told the board that all of the information, including certifications needed in connection with work safety violations, have been submitted to the Maine Department of Labor. The state cited the town in January for 23 workplace safety violations at the Highway Garage, Fire Station, Town Office and Transfer Station. Many of the violations pertained to paperwork or training.

The violations carry a $1,600 fine but that amount could be lowered once the state reviews the corrective action taken.

Guild said interim Town Clerk Jean Tardif informed selectpersons there was a good turnout April 15, the day property taxes were due.

The Town Office staff plans to work with Fayette Town Manager Mark Robinson to put together the town report. It was done for 14 years by former Administrative Assistant Kurt Schaub who has left for another job.

In another matter, Guild said highway foreman Roger Ferland reported to the board that a culvert collapsed on Waters Hill Road and was replaced.