LIVERMORE FALLS — Treat Memorial Library is announcing spring events.

A Technology Petting Zoo will be held Tuesday through Saturday, May 6 to 10. E-books and tablets are growing in popularity and devices are widely available. To provide hands-on familiarization and training with e-readers and tablets, the Maine State Library created the Technology Petting Zoo of devices.

Included are a Kindle PaperWhite, a Kindle Fire, a Nook SimpleTouch, a Nook HD+, an iPad Mini and a Google Nexus. These devices will be available all week for hands-on training.

Another date to remember is Friday, May 23, annual History Night from 4 to 8 p.m. Two fundraisers for the library are connected to History Night this year: a 50/50 cash drawing and “Drive for the Library.”

Tickets for the 50/50 cash drawing will go on sale Monday, May 5, one for $1, five for $3 and 10 for $5. The winning ticket, receiving 50 percent of the proceeds, will be drawn at the conclusion of History Night. The other 50 percent will go to the new Elaine Smith Summer Reading Program Fund.

Proceeds from “Drive for the Library” will also go to the ESSRPF. “Drive for the Library” is a Ford Motor Co. fundraising program run through Bailey Brothers. Ford gives $20 for test driving a new auto.

Elsie’s Re-Read Used Book Emporium now has regular hours: Tuesdays 4 to 7 p.m., Wednesdays 12:30 to 3 p.m., and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Anyone may still access the emporium during the library’s usual business hours as long as a member of staff is available.

Summer Reading Program 2014 will have as a theme “Book a Trip!” Reminders for registration will go to the schools in June and registration will probably start as soon as school ends for the summer.

For more information, call the library at 897-3631. Patrons may access the Download Library through the online catalogue at