RUMFORD — Selectmen are scheduled to approve the annual town warrant and ballot at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 1, in Rumford Falls Auditorium.

Among the additional agenda items are approvals to hire a police officer and appoint a warden and deputy wardens for the June elections. There also is a request to approve eliminating nighttime hours for voter registration, and to approve a parade permit for the River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition for a 5k race.

Selectmen also will discuss a proposal from Don Hamann for property at 411 Cumberland St. and consider a request from the Maine Department of Transportation for a waiver to use town roads that have specific weight limits.

The agenda was amended Wednesday afternoon to include a request from Seth Carey on behalf of River Valley and Oxford County organizations to use town property to create a fitness trail.

In an email on Tuesday to Rumford Executive Secretary Terri Palmer, Carey said he and the organizations seek permission to build a fitness trail around the downtown island and walking trail on Route 108. He said it would form a loop around the business island from bridge to bridge to promote health, fitness and the outdoors.

Carey said they would also like to discuss placing the project on the warrant for town meeting in June.