On a recent trip to New York City, as I sat in a client meeting alongside Rinck Advertising’s directer of public relations, Katie Greenlaw, a hometown crisis was unfolding. The news arrived rapidly via text. First her phone, then mine and then a constant stream of incoming messages, each more shocking than the last.

The editor of local L/A Magazine, director of the Lewiston Auburn Film Festival (LAFF) and former city councilor, had been arrested. And the charges were shocking.

There is no question that March 20, 2014 was a sad day for the Twin Cities. But what happened next was extraordinary. Our community stood up and said “no.”

No way was this emergency going to define us. No way had we worked this hard to see our reputation tarnished. And that “no” was backed by over a decade of hard work and dedication.

Ten years ago, Gov. John Baldacci chose Lewiston-Auburn to host The Governor’s Conference on Maine’s Creative Economy. As a community, we shined.

We turned Bates Mill #5 into, arguably, the state’s coolest venue. We commissioned artist Jonathan Mess to see the beauty in our history through objects found in our mills. We hosted Richard Florida and dozens and dozens of forward-thinking artists, business people, leaders, educators and students to re-imagine our state.


Over 750 people gathered that day in Lewiston as architects of Maine’s future.

The event was transformative for the cities. We believed it. We owned it. In the last 10 years, we have embraced it. Let’s admit it: we hunted cool and we nabbed it.

The change has been obvious and visual. It started with Fuel and soon Lisbon Street came alive with fine dining, wine shops, coffee shops, a place to get freshly baked bagels and lox, sushi, Indian food and African cuisine. Our mills were reawakened and filled with the most amazing tenants like Fishbones and Baxter Brewing Company.

That’s worth repeating: we have our very own brewery!

Museum L/A was born as was Lyceum Gallery and the Franco Center, a world-class performing arts venue and a crown jewel for the cities. Recently, Andrew Knight of Virginia purchased St. Patrick’s Church in Lewiston with plans to renovate it into an upscale venue for weddings and large events.

You could even say we turned into fitness fanatics. Rainbow Bicycles moved downtown, the Greater L/A Triple Crown was developed and the Dempsey Challenge draws thousands of cyclists and runners.


“L/A. It’s Happening Here” became more than a marketing tagline for our cities. It became our raison d’etre. For 10 years, we have made wonderful, amazing things happen on our journey to becoming a creative, vital community.

And, yes, L/A Magazine and LAFF were central to our rebirth. That’s why, on March 20, it hurt so much to see those elements crumble and why we simply could just not accept the state of emergency that we found ourselves in.

Within hours of the news, community members swept in and assessed the situation. When it became clear that LAFF could not be saved, we, instead, saved ourselves.

Out of an emergency, we emerged.

On March 25, a new film festival was born – the Emerge Film Festival. We held a press conference within two hours of the decision (nothing like live streaming news to solidify a direction) and shared the news to the most amazing, positive response ever.

In fact, in our short history, not one person or business has said no to our calling.


What has become very clear is that our cities have not only transformed over the last 10 years, but we have also knocked the chip off our shoulders.

Together, we made a decision. We want to live and work in a place that is dynamic, youthful, healthy, strong, business-friendly, smart, savvy, chic and hip and one that appreciates film and the arts.

A board of directors emerged. A full slate of corporate sponsors emerged. Together we, as a community, emerged.

On June 13 and 14, the Emerge Film Festival will take place in six downtown venues, showcasing close to 40 films and supported by dozens of businesses, including many of the sponsors of the former festival.

In every crisis lies an opportunity. I have never been more proud to do business in Lewiston-Auburn, two cities that make opportunities happen.

Laura Davis is president of Rinck Advertising of Auburn and president of the Emerge Film Festival Board of Directors.

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