What has happened to “the will of the people”?

Time and time again our elected officials have voted almost unanimously to approve well thought out, studied and funded bills, only to be vetoed by the governor for a variety of lame reasons.

The governor, together with the Legislature, is supposed to be using our tax dollars to enact effective laws and regulations. Instead, our money is being squandered on constant partisan bickering.

In fact, as I write this, the day has been dubbed, “Veto Day.”

Why have such issues as same-sex marriage and casinos been decided by the people through referendum, but a bill affecting the health and welfare of 70,000 Mainers been left to the whims of one totally partisan man and 12 mindless senators?

Our dysfunctional state government no longer represents the will of the people. We can only hope better days are coming.

Happy Veto Day.

Al Pelletier, Norway

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