STARKS — “Mapping of Historic Cemeteries Using Ground Penetrating Radar” will be one of two featured presentations when The Maine Old Cemetery Association convenes its Spring Program at the Starks Community Center on Saturday, May 17.

Registration, $3, begins at 8:30 a.m. and continues until 9:10. The program is hosted by the Starks Historical Society with refreshments provided by SEEds, Starks Enrichment and Education Society. MOCA is an advocacy group aimed at conserving, documenting and educating about Maine’s often neglected cemeteries.

Throughout the morning, exhibits and displays will focus on a variety of cemetery projects and is open to any ongoing cemetery project ready for a presentation with display boards, photos or related materials.

MOCA President Cheryl Willis Patten will offer welcoming remarks and the morning’s first program, “Grave Matters in Starks: Cemeteries.” Ernest Hilton and Paul Frederic of Starks Historical Society will provide an overview of the host community, Starks.

The MOCA business meeting will convene at 10:30 a.m. and is open to all in attendance.

The featured program, “Mapping of Historic Cemeteries Using Ground Penetrating Radar,” will begin at 11:15 a.m. with Michael V. Scully, C.G. vice president of Northeast Geophysical Services, with a live demonstration of the practice scheduled at 1 p.m. during cemetery visits.

A lasagna lunch by SEEdS is scheduled at noon by reservation at a price of $7, payable at the door. Reservations can be made by email to (LUNCH in the subject line) or by mail to Cheryl Willis Patten, 1161 East Pond Road, Smithfield, 04978, no phone messages.

A door prize drawing is scheduled during afternoon cemetery visits; must be present to win.

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