We write today in light of the recent Y-Not Scavenger Hunt put on by the Young Professionals of the Lewiston Auburn Area.

It is a two-week event geared toward making new connections in the community, as well as breaking out of our shells to visit sights unseen in greater Lewiston-Auburn. Teams of five spend two weeks accomplishing tasks of various genres, competing for the most points.

The event exceeded our expectations and we wanted to share our experience.

We are a diverse group, randomly assigned with each other. There are registered Democrats, Republicans and unregistered parties among our team. Despite that, we somehow managed to accomplish a majority of our tasks.

What bothers us when we read the Sun Journal is the number of letters to the editor geared toward blaming or attacking party lines. Rather than arguing with each other, we should be focused on improving our community.

Some may be shocked to hear this (sarcastic filter off), but our community gets a bad reputation for a number of issues we can control.


Next time you hear someone complaining about our community, correct them. Remind them of the Riverwalk, the terrific restaurants and our post-secondary education options.

Next time you see a bottle on the ground, pick it up rather than walk by it. And next time you think about blaming others for your own thoughts of L-A, look in the mirror.

Let’s continue improving our community, one day at a time.

Donald Hinkley, Turner, on behalf of team Brick by Brick