PERU — Town Clerk Vera Parent informed selectmen Monday night that absentee ballots for the June 10 state primary, annual town warrant and annual election of town officials are available at the Town Office.

There are 29 warrant articles to be decided and two selectmen to be elected, she said.

A public hearing on the warrant is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, in the old Peru Elementary School.

Selectmen will meet that evening rather than on Memorial Day, May 26.

Angela Barkhouse, secretary for selectmen, informed the board that the public spring will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13 and 14, for its annual treatment.

Parent said the committee planning the 2014 Summer Fest has requested funds from the town’s Summer Fest account. Selectmen said they need a formal written request from the committee, including a description of its plans.


Selectmen tabled action on a town health officer. Board Chairman Jim Pulsifer said Selectman Danny Wing, who could not attend the meeting Monday, was looking into the matter and they would wait for his input before taking action.

Selectman Lee Merrill brought up the matter of trees that need to be removed from the Town Office property. Selectmen are seeking qualified volunteers who will cut the trees for the wood. Anyone interested should contact the Town Office.

Selectmen approved furnishing a portable toilet at the athletic field. There cost will be taken from the recreation account.

Resident Bob Dolloff informed selectmen that several cedar trees in the town cemetery have been damaged by winter weather and need to be replaced. Selectmen agreed to inspect the cemetery with Dolloff.

Dolloff also reported that the boundary marker at the intersection of Peru, Hartford and Sumner had been removed. He said he has driven a stake to mark the location, but the three towns need to place a permanent marker there.

Resident Larry Porter asked selectmen what they intended to do about several junky sites in the town.

Pulsifer said if they are a health hazard, the health officer will address them when one is appointed. He said there are no local ordinances on junkyards so the state law applies.