I recently received information from Citizens Against Government Waste that included a letter from Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. The data included facts about Obamacare that reinforce my fear of Barack Obama as an extremely dangerous president.

There is no question that he can read; what he doesn’t seem to understand is simple arithmetic — how to add and subtract. No wonder he refuses to release how he did in school.

From the information I received, he has increased the national debt by more than 50 percent in just five years, and that doesn’t include the disastrous Obamacare fiasco. National debt now exceeds $17 trillion and is growing by $1.9 million a minute ($2.7 billion a day).

Where is he going to find funds to stop or at least slow down that disaster?

He has mentioned that Medicare is one area where funds are available. Is he crazy? That program for seniors is already in trouble. It is underfunded. Senior citizens may not realize that because the liberal press doesn’t cover it.

I also learned that Obama is hiring 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce Obamacare, and building 159 new government programs and bureaucracies to administer the law. Also, that more than 15,000 pages of regulations have been added to the 2,700-page Obamacare law (now at 11,832,467 words). It is 16 times longer than the Bible.

And it grows daily as Obama continues to change the law without even discussing it with Congress. He thinks of himself as king, as opposed to president.

Marcel Morin, Auburn