LEWISTON — Damp streets and quick cornering proved a bit much for an Auburn man who escaped serious injury when he lost control of his truck Monday night.

According to the 20-year-old driver Alex Burton, “I came around that corner too quick,” prior to the incident that happened around 8:30 p.m.

Burton said he was traveling east along Sabattus Street when he took the curve near intersection of Ash Street a little too fast. Burton said the 1998 Ford pickup briefly hydroplaned. He then said he overcorrected and lost control.

The driver’s side door of the vehicle slammed into a tree in front of 195 Sabattus St., crushing the door and front fender. Burton said he was wearing his seat belt but the airbags did not deploy.

Burton escaped with only minor scratches to his left arm. He was given a couple bandages on scene by Lewiston firefighters and released.

Burton said firefighters on scene told him if he had hit the tree another foot forward, the result could have been quite different.

Although happy to be alive after his perilous ride, Burton said there was little time to recuperate as he was due to work at Country Kitchen within the hour.
