AUBURN — A new slate of officers of Pine Cone Chapter 26, Order of the Eastern Star, were installed recently at the Masonic Hall.
Elsie Johnson was installed worthy matron and Brett Jervis, worthy patron.
Others taking office were Amanda Carr, associate matron; David Farr, associate patron; Betty Perkins, secretary; Cyndi Matthews, treasurer; Patricia Rea, conductress; Mary Ann Perkins, associate conductress; Kathy Williamson, chaplain; Arthur Dunlap, marshal; Eleanor Peterson, organist; Ellen Broas, Adah; Sharon McGilvery, Ruth; Helena Farr-Greenleaf, Esther; Jocelyne Jervis, Martha; Pamela Toussaint, Electa; Nancy Harris, warder; and Andy Bradeen, sentinel.
Installing officers were Judith Tufts, past matron, matron; Bernald Tufts, worthy grand patron, patron; Judith Wilkie, past grand matron, marshal; Betty Perkins, past matron, chaplain; and Richard Farnworthy III, past patron, organist. Corley Anne Byras, grand conductress, presented the star point ceremony.
Distinguished guests were Bernald Tufts, worthy grand patron; Judith Wilkie, past grand matron; William Stretton, past grand patron; Corley Anne Byras, grand conductress and grand secretary emeritus; Kathy Williamson, grand Ruth; Violet Gerber, district deputy grand matron No. 4; Grand Representatives Brett Jervis to Mississippi, Judy Tufts to Pennsylvania, Helena Farr-Greenleaf to New Mexico; Shining Star Mabel Soucy.
Helena Farr-Greenleaf, junior past matron was presented her past matron’s jewel by her mother, Mabel Soucy, and David Farr, junior past patron, was presented his past patron’s jewel by William Stretton, past grand patron.
Refreshments were served in the dining hall after the installation ceremony.
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