Lewiston residents need to be aware of the new grading system coming to Lewiston High School.

A new proficiency-based grading system will be used for the incoming 9th grade at LHS in September. The system imposes significant changes.

The current LHS grading system says students pass a class if they earn an average grade of 70 or above. Under the proficiency-based system, a student must earn a grade of 80 or above on each individual standard. That eliminates average grading. That is a monumental 10 point increase in the grade required to pass a class.

The new system includes the Common Core standards in English language arts which state that all students must be able to read, comprehend and write on grade level. That means that all students must “by the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas and poems, at the high end of the grades 11-CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently,” according to the MDOE website. (CCR means College, Career Ready). All students will be reading and comprehending on the current Advance Placement Course level.

Students who meet all of the standards at 80 or better earn a LHS diploma. Those who do not meet all the standards could earn a LHS certificate of attendance.

Incoming 9th grade parents/guardians need to be informed, do research and ask questions of the School Committee and superintendent. The higher standards will be voted on by the School Committee shortly. They will have a major impact on the incoming 9th grade class.

Crystal Ward, Lewiston