The picture on the front page of the Sun Journal on May 27 was a perfect Memorial Day moment in time. If Norman Rockwell were still painting, he would latch onto it and paint another Americana classic for us all.

Veteran father Shawn Coffin watching over his son, and the son holding the flag and gazing up with pride and wonder at the seasoned parading veteran soldier Lloyd Record in West Paris. This classic picture had everything that I could possibly want to give Memorial Day added meaning for me.

I could not stop gazing at the scene, and every time I did it brought memories of veterans in my own family — father and grandfather — who gave an important part of their lives to fight for freedom.

“Lest we forget” are three words renowned across most countries to show remembrance of those who have fought and those who have died fighting for freedom. They mean that we will never forget.

I thank the Sun Journal for printing that picture by freelance photographer Brewster Burns. It sat just right with me on a solemn day.

David Wilkinson, Buckfield

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