Residents of Mexico get a chance to vote June 10 for reduced spending and lower property taxes.

Last year, a tax cap was voted in, but was not implemented because the town manager and a majority of selectmen would not present a reduced budget. In fact, the budget was increased for this year.

Residents need to decide if that is the kind of representation they want from their elected officials.

When the town manager presented the budget with no reductions to comply with the tax cap, three of the budget committee members left the meeting in protest.

I did not vote in favor of most of the articles that residents will be voting on at the June 10 election.

I support the recall article, so that elected officials can be held accountable for their decisions and conduct, because residents have little control after officials are elected unless they vote for the new recall article.

The article to borrow $800,000 to finish and repair more roads should be put off a few years. The town is still paying on the $2.9 million loan from previous road repair.

Byron Ouellette, Mexico, selectman

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