JAY — Voters approved all articles Tuesday night related to a $5.5 million municipal budget for 2014-15.

They also approved an Animal Control Ordinance and an amendment to the subdivision section of the Jay Environmental Control and Improvement Ordinance

The budget is $501,342 less than the current $6 million budget.

Voters elected incumbent Selectperson Thomas “Tom” Goding with 388 votes over Matthew “Mike” McCourt, who received 153 votes on Tuesday to fill a three-year term on the Board of Selectpersons.

Selectperson Tim DeMillo was re-elected with 511 votes to serve another three-year term on the board.

RSU 73 Director Shari Ouellette was re-elected with 503 votes to serve a two-year term. Newcomer Tamara Hoke ran unopposed for a two-year term on the board. She got 485 votes.

Write-in candidate Amy McDaniel was elected to a three-year term on the school board.

NOTE: The story has been changed since it was first published to reflect the correct votes that Tom Goding received. It was a reporter’s error.
