RUMFORD — A ballot recount of the June 10 election for selectmen will be held next week, Deputy Town Clerk Beverly Thorne said Tuesday.

James Windover asked for a ballot inspection and recount after incumbent Jeff Sterling won a three-year term with 571 votes to Windover’s 551.

Mark Belanger won over incumbent Jolene Lovejoy, 751 to 567.

Thorne said because this will be Beth Bellegarde’s first recount as town clerk, Bellegarde will attend a recount Wednesday to learn how it’s done.

From 10,000 ballots cast in the June 10 primaries, town meeting referendum and selectmen election, 1,500 ballots from the selectmen race must be separated out for the recount, she said.

In other municipal business, the Board of Selectmen held its annual organizational meeting June 11 after the ballots were counted. Selectman Greg Buccina was re-elected chairman and Sterling re-elected vice chairman, according to the draft minutes published Tuesday.

The board also unanimously voted to use Robert’s Rules of Order as a meeting guide and scheduled board meetings on the first and third Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted, and not to go beyond 9:30 p.m. unless voted upon by the board.