FARMINGTON — A new lunch wagon will soon grace the sidewalk in front of Mooseville on Main Street.

Following a public hearing Tuesday, the Board of Selectmen approved a lunch wagon permit for Corey Ellis, Mooseville’s owner.

Ellis intends to sell hot dogs, hamburgers, lobster rolls and specials from a 4-foot wide, 6-foot long lunch cart, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, he told the board. The selection might also include breakfast items.

When selectmen questioned whether there was space for the cart and pedestrians on the sidewalk, Town Manager Richard Davis said it was a wider section of sidewalk, with 12½ feet from curb to building. Ellis leases the store but the building owner owns a section of the sidewalk, he said.

With the cart and a table in place, there is still five feet of pedestrian space, which meets the Americans With Disabilities requirements for wheelchair use, Davis said.

The cart will be flush to the store wall. It will be decorated and look as nice as the window boxes outside the store, Ellis said.


In other business, the board discussed assessing options for the town.

Assessor Mark Caldwell intends to retire at the end of the year, Davis said.

During a previous discussion, one resident suggested funds might be saved by contracting a service rather than hiring a full-time assessor.

Davis provided salary and contract information for some other Maine towns.

With a population of 7,489, Farmington’s assessing budget was set at $126,604. The assessor’s salary is $61,409. For an average population of 7,648, an average salary is $65,247, according to the information.

For contracting the service, the annual cost can vary. For Cumberland, population 7,211, the contracted annual cost is $63,138 while Rangeley, population 1,168, pays $75,660 for two days a week.


It’s a complex issue, Chairman Ryan Morgan said, stating they’d need to see the real budgets.

He asked for more information on what towns similar to Farmington have for a total assessing budget, not just salaries or contract costs.

The board agreed to continue the discussion.