House Speaker John Boehner’s recent declaration about “suing the president” is probably the single most absurd utterance I have ever heard.

Just when I think that all has been said, someone comes out and spews even more ridiculous rhetoric. It seems to me that, given what Boehner is saying (that the president isn’t complying with the Constitution with some of his decisions), I would offer that Congress’ inactivity is not complying with the Constitution.

What about the House just sitting there, doing nothing, and wallowing in constant and unrelenting obstructionism? To me, that comes off as the pot calling the kettle black.

According to Boehner, it is all right to turn a blind eye to all the legislation that could and should have been taken care of by now. Yet he and his cohorts are being allowed to draw their salaries while not having earned it.

I applaud the president for trying to get something done, given where he’s been the past six years. Obama knows that those who should be doing something are not.

If anyone needs legal redress it should be Boehner and many of his followers who are, in my view, stealing from the people by not doing the public’s bidding.

Government is supposed to be about the people, not the politicians.

Marc Jalbert, Lewiston