Randy Barker, president of the Wilton Youth Baseball Program, first introduced the coaches and board members for the program and had them join him on the ball field. “This day means a lot to all of us up here; it’s a very special day for the Wilton Youth Baseball Program,” he stressed.

Wilton Youth Baseball board members include events manager Renee Pinkham; recreation liaison Richard Huntley; treasurer Doreen Cardona; president Randy Barker; and vice president and secretary Stacy Damon. Coaches this year are Alan Beisaw, T.J. Lambert, and Bert Poisson.

“Today we are honoring a coach who gave nine years to the program,” Barker noted. Mike Backus started with his first son and continued through his third son’s time in the program. Barker also made reference to the countless other “sons” that Backus had mentored.

“During his time with the program, Mike taught fundamentals, technique, team effort and, most importantly, good sportsmanship,” Barker stated. Mike dedicated his time and efforts to the athletes of Wilton Youth Baseball and for him it was always all about the players.

In the fall of 2010, Mike stepped down as a coach and board member but stayed through the process of electing new coaches and board members to ensure that things would run smoothly for years to come. Barker told of how Mike spoke up during the final moments of his last meeting saying, “if there’s anything I can say for advice, make sure it’s all about the players…always.”

Barker then said, “on January 7, 2013, tragedy struck our small, close knit community. The word spread fast and many couldn’t believe it. The community lost a great man, a mentor, a coach but most importantly, a father, a husband, a brother, a son, an uncle, a leader of soldiers and for the rest of us a friend.’


Barker made note that at the first baseball meeting afterwards the board decided to do something special for Mike. “We weren’t sure what or how or when but something would be done to honor the time Mike had given to the program,” he added.

In the last year, the Backus family has dedicated a lot of time in raising money for the Recreation Department’s support of the baseball program. With their help and the help from other community members volunteering their time and efforts, the idea became a reality. Barker also thanked “all of you that have made this possible.”

Barker gave special thanks to area businesses RL Huntley Building Co., Western Maine Concrete, Taylor Construction, Shelly’s Hometown Market and Hammond Lumber who donated their time, materials and services to the creation of the new dugout areas at the East Wilton baseball field. These sponsors gave 100 percent which says a lot for the community and Mike’s impact on it.

Barker noted that the East Wilton field was Mike’s home field and that he put in the extra effort to keep the field “right”. Mike still affects the program today, especially opening day 2013 when the helicopters flew over Kinneowatha Park.

Barker then called Kristie, Ryan, Nathan and Evan Backus on to the field. ‘Today, Wilton Youth Baseball would like to dedicate this field to Lt. Col. Michael J. Backus as a tribute to his dedication to the Wilton Youth Baseball Program as a board member and coach,’ Barker announced.

Mike’s wife Kristie was handed a beautiful bouquet of flowers by board member Doreen Cardona. Sons Ryan, Nathan and Evan unveiled the sign that was on display in back of the pitcher’s mound.

Throughout the dedication presentation, Ryan Macomber of the Wilton Fire Department Color Guard, stood at attention behind home plate holding the American Flag. After a recording of the National Anthem was played, Ryan, Nathan and Evan Backus threw out ceremonial first pitches.

After several family group pictures with the sign were taken, Mike’s sister Shelly Gervais commented that the sign is ‘so beautiful.’ Their dad, John Backus, told Randy Barker that ‘it’s all about the kids’ was one of Mike’s slogans that he used frequently.

Barker then spoke of learning that opening day of the baseball season in 2013 fell on the same day that Mike was laid to rest. ‘I didn’t find out until a week before and I wanted to reschedule.’ However, Kristie Backus told him that Mike would have wanted it that way.

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