TURNER — Selectmen Chairman Kurt Youland told those attending Monday night’s board meeting that Moark Egg Farm has hired personnel who are aggressively addressing the cause of the fly infestation that has plagued neighbors since the spring.

Resident Warren Hood said he was impressed with the knowledge and determination of Moark’s new employees and expected them to have good results.

Selectmen have visited the egg farm and discussed the fly problem with the company officials.

But residents wondered what will happen next spring. Selectmen agreed to send a reminder to Moark then to encourage its personnel to get an early start on fly control.

Also at the meeting, a public hearing on proposed changes to the General Assistance ordinance was held. There were no comments, and selectmen approved changes to the ordinance to bring it into compliance with state guidelines.

Monthly maximum assistance will be $537 for an individual and $1,044 for a family of four. The state reimburses the town half of its General Assistance expenses, according to Town Manager Kurt Schaub.


Selectman Ralph Caldwell expressed appreciation for the new sign at the Leavitt Institute before the July 4 parade. Residents have contributed $600 toward the cost, but additional donations are being sought. Donations can be made at the Town Office.

Selectmen considered three proposals for a new septic system at the Boofy Quimby Memorial Center and will negotiate with SurveyWorks of Greene. The system will be sized to accommodate crowds of 300 to 400 people.

Several selectmen said they received positive feedback on the July 4 fireworks show. Selectman Richard Keene said that next year, the town will need more volunteers to help put up and remove traffic signs. This year, he said, he and his grandchildren did most of the work.

Schaub said town expenditures were $282,319 under budget and revenues were $57,531 under budget for the fiscal year that ended June 30.

Selectmen went into executive session to consider personnel matters with the Rescue Department. Rescue Chief Laurel Gagne retired June 30 and the town is considering options for emergency medical services.

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