RANGELEY — After electing officers and welcoming two new members at Tuesday’s meeting, the Regional School Unit 78 board took action on the Siemens energy efficiency plan and a new bid for repairs to the soccer field.

The board unanimously voted Nancy Hilliard as chairwoman and Pam Ellis as vice chairwoman.

New board member Colleen Koob of Rangeley attended her first meeting. The board still lacks another member from Rangeley and one from Rangeley Plantation.

Jacob Farmer took his seat as one of the new student members, to be joined by Haley Morrill. Rachel Weaver will serve as an alternate.

As directed by the board, Superintendent Susan Pratt asked Siemens for calculations based on a 10-year rather than 20-year payback plan for energy efficiency updates. The interest for the 10-year plan came to $67,000 as opposed to $148,000 for 20 years. The principal payment for 10 years comes to $79,609 annually, compared to $30,800 annually for 20 years.

These numbers include new water-saving toilets and bathroom fixtures, which cost $31,000, and are guaranteed to save at least $3,000 per year in water bills. The vote to accept the 10-year plan was unanimous.


M & H Logging and Construction of Rangeley, informed at a previous meeting that its initial bid of $128,000 for reconstruction of the school’s soccer field was unacceptable, came back with a bid of $81,000.

The board had originally budgeted $54,000 for the project, but after detailed discussion in which Pratt suggested numerous sources for the balance of the amount it accepted the bid on a close vote.

Work is expected to be completed by the end of this summer. After completion, the field cannot be played on for one year. Athletic Director Charles Brown has contacted other schools in the area about playing extra games on their fields, and said he doesn’t expect complaints from parents about games being played away because they are aware of the terrible state of the current field.

Pratt reviewed policies that included excused absences, conflict of interest, regular and special meetings, nepotism, legal advice, executive sessions and board member development opportunities.