“Taxpayers out there are going to be furious,” Poland Selectman Walter Gallagher said about Democratic state Sen. John Cleveland over-billing the town (Sun Journal story, “Poland board surprised by hefty bill,” July 16).

Gallagher is right: I am furious.

Again, Cleveland overcharges Poland taxpayers — $12,725 for a project he estimated at $6,900? That is 80 percent over budget.

That fiscal irresponsibility is why many no longer trust politicians in Augusta. If that is how Cleveland spends taxpayer money, perhaps he should change his name to John “Detroit.”

Over-billing without results is why Poland ended Cleveland’s contract earlier this year.

Taxpayers need fiscal responsibility, not wasteful spending. Cleveland should never again be hired for Poland economic development, nor should he control public finances in Augusta.

If Cleveland cannot secure jobs when Poland taxpayers are paying him to do so, can anyone honestly believe he is effective in Augusta?

Arthur Berry, Poland