Heidi Brooks is running for House District 61 in Lewiston. Brooks is a well educated, common sense and caring person who has been involved in speaking up for the poor, the middle class, veterans, seniors and taxpayers in Lewiston, Augusta and Washington.

Her leadership skills started as a top-10 student in high school. She has received numerous leadership awards and serves on many boards.

She understands budgets and how the tax shifting in Augusta by the governor’s tax cut for the rich, without a way to pay for it, caused Lewiston to lay off workers, cut services, raise fees, reduce municipal employees and trash facility hours and raise property taxes.

A listener, Brooks believes one welfare fraud is too many, but pitting neighbor against neighbor is not right. Working together as problem solvers is a must.

That’s why Heidi Brooks needs to be elected in November.

Diane Grandmaison, Lewiston