JAY — A half-mile section of Crash Road was closed to traffic Tuesday as state highway workers repaired damage from a pounding rain and windstorm the night before.

It was one of 35 calls answered by Jay Fire & Rescue firefighters.

“We were called in about 10 p.m.,” Sandy Cautillo of the MDOT said at the site.

The state is responsible for Crash Road.

Approximately 6 to 8 inches of gravel washed down the road and on top of the railroad tracks, she said. Train traffic was halted, she said.

The loose and cracked pavement and some of the gravel can be reused, Cautillo said. The section will be rebuilt to state standards, she said.


Fire department acting Chief Mike Booker said calls started coming in at 7:30 p.m. Monday and firefighters returned to the station around midnight.

Firefighters were handling calls for downed lines and trees and flooded and washed-out roads, he said. Sections of East Jay Road and Old Jay Hill Road was washed out, he said.

The hardest hit were Crash and East Jay roads, he said. Dead power lines were removed from the road as well as a tree that fell on Crash Road.

Firefighters responded to calls for two flooded house basements and a leaking roof, fire alarms at Fire Station 2 in the Chisholm area and Spruce Mountain Middle School. When power goes out, the alarm at the station is affected, he said.

Intervale Road (Route 140) had several trees down. The department closed the road to through traffic because trees had fallen on the Canton end, he said.

Jay Public Works Department crews were working on the roads Tuesday morning.


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