It wasn’t long ago that AARP released its scorecard saying that Maine needs to provide better support for caregivers in the state. Their most recent survey shows that the majority of voters in Maine, age 50 and older, believe funding for services that support family caregivers should be a top priority for elected officials.

I hope the candidates take notice of that survey.

If they really want to make a difference in Maine and better the lives of its people, they now have the answer — help caregivers.

According to the survey, three out of five registered Maine voters age 50 and older have been or are currently family caregivers. With so many people in the state providing extensive unpaid care for family members, they are certain to need help somewhere along the line.

Hopefully, elected officials will work to provide that help, whether it be adult day programs or in-home care to support family caregivers.

The job of a caregiver, providing unpaid assistance with personal needs, chores, transportation, and medical care, etc., is not easy. However, for many families in Maine, taking on those responsibilities is necessary.

I only hope that candidates running in the November election will put themselves in the shoes of a caregiver (if they have not been one themselves) and really consider what they can do to support caregivers.

Pat Pulkkinen, South Paris