BETHEL — Discussion of a recreation director job description and whether to sell old dumpsters to residents are on the agenda for Monday’s selectmen meeting, beginning at 7 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Town Office.

In June, the Bethel Recreation Facilities Committee recommended to selectmen that the town hire a part-time recreation director.

“We had a job description for that position, and the recreation committee fine-tuned a few things,” interim Town Manager Steve Eldridge said. “Now, it just needs to be approved by the Board of Selectmen before we can put it out there.”

Eldridge said selectmen will discuss whether or not the town should sell old dumpsters from the town transfer station to residents.

“We have a bunch of old dumpsters that we replaced near where the old landfill is,” he said. “Some people have come to us, wondering if we sold them. I’m not sure if they wanted to use the dumpsters themselves, or use them for scrap metal.”

Eldridge said he needed to look through Bethel ordinances to see if selling the dumpsters is something that would “need to go out to bid.”


In other business, selectmen will review bids for an excavator the town is attempting to purchase.

“To my knowledge, the town doesn’t own an excavator,” Eldridge said. “Bethel usually does lease purchases for an excavator. We got three bids back, and the selectmen will look through them and figure out which one will work best.”

The board will also discuss and possibly act on the following items:

* Sand bid waiver for R.A. Tibbetts.

* Request for proposal on engineering for Smith Road bridge.

* Tri-Town single-stream recycling.

* Liquor license renewal for Homeslice Pizza.