MEXICO — The Region 9 Cooperative Board hired a longtime small businessman as the vocational school’s new automotive instructor when they met last week.

Brian Mills of Andover, who owns a automotive shop in Rumford, will teach the course with the assistance of Jerry Pelletier.

Mills was chosen from four applicants for the position.

Region 9 director Brenda Gammon said he has served as a sports coach in both Regional School Unit 10 and School Administrative District 44 for many years, as well as operating his business. He was given a one-year probationary contract at a salary of $41,100. He replaces former automotive instructor Dan Richard.

Gammon said the vocational school will likely not offer a hot lunch program for students during the upcoming year.

She said the reason includes the closure of several school kitchens in RSU 10, as well as a higher price charged to Region 9 students than to non-vocational students.


Also, she said maintaining a lunch program causes a considerable amount of extra paperwork for Region 9 staff.

Instead, Gammon said vocational students will be able to pick up a bag lunch at their sending schools at the price set by their particular school.

The Region 9 school will provide refrigeration or use of a microwave oven if needed.

Also at last Wednesday’s meeting, the Personal/Program Committee decided it will soon begin a review of the 10 vocational programs offered at Region 9. Gammon said the review is needed to help determine whether programs should continue or whether another subject should be offered.

She said surveys of local businesses may be conducted to help decide what vocational training needs should be filled for the community.

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