RANGELEY — Regional School Unit 78 Superintendent Susan Pratt made a PowerPoint presentation for the board Monday night to illustrate some of the knottier features of the new proficiency-based diploma requirements.

The state requires that after Jan. 1, 2018, high school students must demonstrate proficiency in state standards in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and technology, health education, physical education, visual and performing arts, world languages and career and education development.

The student is also required to embody guiding principles as a clear and effective communicator, self-directed and lifelong learner, creative and practical problem-solver, responsible and involved citizen and integrative and informed thinker. The school must allow students to “gain proficiency through multiple pathways, and demonstrate proficiency by presenting multiple types of evidence.”

Realizing that the requirements must begin with this year’s freshman class, the state has provided six options for time extensions and varying levels of assistance.

Pratt said she and the faculty have done a lot of the work toward the proficiency standards in the past 12 months and recommended the first option as best for Rangeley. It will grant an extension through July 1, 2020, for the requirements to be in place.

The board adopted Pratt’s recommendation, while also criticizing the “guiding principles” as being vague and difficult to prove.


Pratt recommended four faculty appointments for the coming year. They are Victoria Thompson, special education technician 2; Ashley Quimby, special education technician 3; Martha Thompson, Title 1 education technician 2; and Kathleen Remillard, half-time for Title 1 and education technician 2.

The board approved all four appointments.

Pratt also announced the resignation of board member William Roy of Dallas Plantation.

With the school nurse required to operate under the supervision of a school doctor, the board accepted Dr. Burton Knapp of the Rangeley Health Center as the school doctor. The $2,000 yearly stipend will be donated to the Health Center.

Principal Charles Brown will continue as truancy officer, while guidance counselor Heidi Deery will serve as affirmative action officer.

Brown, who is also the athletic director, said the town has approved the use of the field behind the Town Office for home soccer games this fall. Work on the school’s soccer field has begun with the removal of several large boulders and the placement of drainage pipes and gravel. The field is expected to be ready for use next year.

The old portable classroom was removed and the cement pad is in place for the new portable to be installed Monday. 

Pratt received permission to sign the authorization for the Siemens energy- efficiency project, which will begin immediately with light replacements. The board agreed to a $995,000 bond for the project, at an interest rate of .75 percent per year. Siemens guarantees that the school will recoup a substantial amount of the cost through energy savings.