100 years ago, 1914
The L. A. & W (Lewiston, Augusta and Waterville Street Railway) is doing a great deal of track improving the present year. Part of it is already completed and the rest is well along. The work of laying new rails and stringers on Dennison street bridge continues and new stringers are being waterproofed. This will be finished within a day or two. The work of changing the location of the track on Minot Avenue, Auburn, to the center of the street as far out as Elm street, is well under way and will soon be com-pleted. Rails of 400 pounds weight are being used. The street is being paved between the rails and for a distance of 18 inches at either side of the track.

50 years ago, 1964
Mario G. Chiaravelotti of Lewiston, the president of a pizza and spaghetti drive-in chain corporation known as Mario’s, said that he will open a new drive-in restaurant in Lewiston soon. Chiaravelotti told the Journal that he has signed a ten-year lease with Ernest Paione, for commercial property located at 1452 Lisbon St. The building, former site of the M&W Awning Co., is currently undergoing extensive renovations. A Maine-based firm organized by Lewiston individuals, Mario’s is currently in operation at Brunswick, Augusta, and at Tripp Lake at Poland.

25 years ago, 1989
A local state representative says a recent decision by county officials that leaves Auburn with no say in the county budget warrants another Boston Tea Party — this time on the banks of the Androscoggin River. “This is certainly taxation without representation,” said Rep. JoAnne D. Lapointe, D-Auburn, in a letter she sent Androscoggin County commissioners late last week. Auburn will pay $900,000 in taxes this year to the county. Auburn missed deadlines this summer for nominating city representatives to the budget committee, and commissioners decided Wednesday that Auburn will not be able to have a vote on the committee.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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