LIVERMORE FALLS — The Regional School Unit 73 board unanimously voted Thursday night to readmit a Spruce Mountain High School boy.

The decision followed a 30-minute executive session.

Superintendent Kenneth Healey said the student was expelled April 14 for threatening a teacher. He said the boy was evaluated by a psychiatrist and a substance abuse counselor for anger issues. During his expulsion, the boy kept up with his class work.

In other matters, board member Cynthia Young raised the possibility of holding fundraisers to keep the locker rooms and athletic field at the former Livermore Falls High School open. The building is slated to close this school year.

Suggestions included selling or auctioning the uniforms once used by Jay High School and Livermore Falls High School sports teams, and selling advertising spaces around the field. A few of the uniforms were sold during the merger of SAD 36 and the Jay School Department three years ago.

No steps were taken on the suggestion.

Healey said he’d like to see someone step forward to head up a fundraiser.

He told the board the Meet the Superintendent event last week was a success, and he had received many questions and concerns from the audience. He said he hopes to hold similar sessions in an effort to maintain communication with district residents.

The board held an executive session on negotiations with the teachers association, but no action was taken afterward.