Bridal showers are as popular as ever. It’s a chance for brides to get together with family and friends and to learn more about their soon-to-be in-laws. Couples showers are just as popular, with bride and groom both in attendance. And then there are groom’s showers, specifically geared to the man of the hour. Many grooms today are opting for a groom’s shower instead of a bachelor party.

Anyone can host a groom’s shower—the best man, the groom’s brother, the groom’s best friend. As with any shower, planning a groom’s shower takes time. There are guest lists to make and invitations to extend. There are themes to consider and venues to determine. There are activities to select and menus to prepare. All of the choices made, of course, should reflect the groom’s tastes and wishes.

Groom’s showers can be as formal or informal as you like. You can get together with some of the groom’s pals and check out a local game or take in a few rounds of golf. You can have a backyard barbecue and invite everyone the groom knows. Guest lists should include the groom’s family, friends and members of the wedding party as well as the bride’s family. Women may or may not be invited per the groom’s wishes. Invitations may occur by phone, email or mail. Generally, the more formal the gathering, the more formal the invitations should be. A large wine tasting at a local vinery, for example, might call for printed invitations sent by U.S. mail, whereas a small gathering at a local pub might require just a few phone calls.

Themes and activities can run the gamut, and again, should reflect the groom’s tastes and wishes. If the groom enjoys the great outdoors, then a campout at a nearby park with boating and fishing might do the trick. If the groom likes to bowl, then a night out bowling with the guys might be ideal. You can even have the party at someone’s home in front of the big game or around the poker table. And if you just want to hang out, there are all kinds of ideas for games for a groom’s shower.

What party would be complete without good food? Food is essential to a groom’s shower, and it can be as simple as burgers and fries or pizza and breadsticks. You can go out to a restaurant or have a meal catered. The same goes with the decorations. You can go all out or forget them altogether depending upon the venue. If you plan to host a groom’s shower at a baseball game, you might have nothing more to do than to reserve some good seats and arrange for some good food.

Gifts are always appreciated at showers and ideas can come from a wide range of sources, from the groom’s likes to the shower theme to the gift registry. That’s right. You can ask the groom to register for gifts at various stores. If you are having a themed groom’s shower, you can suggest guests purchase gifts that reflect that theme. Handy grooms might appreciate the myriad of tools they will receive from a tool-themed shower, while grillers might like a backyard barbecue and the big, deluxe stainless steel grill everyone pitches in to buy them.

A groom’s shower can be a great way for the guys to relax and unwind before the big day. It does require some planning, but it can be a lot of fun.

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