RUMFORD — Selectmen on Thursday night are expected to discuss a proposal from the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office for police coverage.

At the board’s meeting Aug. 21, Selectman Mark Belanger asked that it be placed on Thursday night’s agenda. He said the request came from the Municipal Resources Police Subcommittee as they gather information during the consolidation study between Mexico and Rumford.

The board also will discuss a request to carry forward the designated fund balance accounts that was tabled at the Aug. 21 meeting for further information.

Other agenda items include:

* Requests for signs on Knox Street to allow for funeral parking near Holy Savior Church, and at the intersection of Rumford Avenue (Route 2) and Franklin Street. Belanger raised these issues at the Aug. 21 meeting. Signs at the intersection are needed to show which direction Route 2 travels, he said.

* Approval sought by the Maine Department of Transportation on an agreement to replace culverts on Andover Road.


* A release deed for the board to sign for Mark Davis for property that voters approved on July 24.

* A request from River Valley Healthy Communities for a parade permit for the Downtown Dash 5K Race.

* Requests from Envision Rumford to use benches, tables and trash cans for Pumpkin Fest next month, and for $500 for a radio broadcast of the festival.

* A recommendation from the Town Property Ad Hoc Committee for 21 Falmouth St.

* Approval sought to change board meeting dates of Sept. 18, Oct. 2 and Oct. 16.

Thursday’s meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Rumford Falls Auditorium.