During the election in 2010, the Republicans’ major issue was “voter fraud.” After the election, a Republican state senator told me that dead people voted. They must have voted for Gov. LePage.

Now Republicans are after welfare fraud and welfare for illegal immigrants. Welfare fraud is relatively small compared to the total welfare funding for families. How many illegal immigrants are there? Nobody seems to know.

There are much bigger issues to work on — creating good-paying jobs will help reduce the number of people on welfare.

About 70 percent of the voters approved a bond to fix the highways and bridges in 2012. That would have created thousands of good-paying construction jobs, but Gov. LePage refused to approve implementing the bond until August 2013.

I’m voting for common sense. I’m voting for Mike Michaud for governor, Sheena Bellows for U.S. senator, Emily Cain for U.S. representative, and Nate Libby for state Senate.

Richard Grandmaison, Lewiston