LIVERMORE FALLS — A donation bucket to help raise money for repairs to the World War I cannon and buy new flags for Main Street will be set up Saturday, Sept. 27, near the sand pile, in the parking lot behind the Police Station.

People who come down the hill to attend the Livermore Falls Apple Pumpkin Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Recreation Field will be able to see the fundraising station. If they want to drop a donation in the bucket or if they want to read about the cannon, they will be able to do that, Don Simoneau of Fayette said.

He is leading the fundraising effort to replace rotted-out wheels on the cannon at Union Park and to buy new American flags to line portions of Jay and Livermore Falls. It is estimated to cost $6,000.

“I was offered to share a spot on the Rec Field with the business group, but it seems with all they have going they need their room and by doing it this way I will be out of the way but visible, so those who want to stop and donate can,” he said.

For every $10 donation, the donor will get one ticket for a future drawing for the “best house flag set” he has ever seen and other prizes to be made in the Simoneau shop and donated to the project between now and May 2015, he said.

“I will have an American flag on display that shows how badly we need to replace the Avenue of Flags and also what the house flag set looks like,” he said.

He will also have a poster board showing pictures of the cannon and the history of the cannon.