100 years ago, 1914
The project of a new hotel for Lewiston has been revived. A Boston man in Lewiston has been working out his plans for a couple of months and now is ready to bring them to a head by organizing a Maine corporation with a number of directors of Lewiston and Auburn for the purpose of building a hotel to cost about $150,000 on the Scruton lot, Main and Sabatis streets, Lewiston. The point to be enforced at this time is what will Lewiston do for the hotel? It is felt that there is room for another first class hotel in this city and that it would not only add to the prosperity of the city but also to the prosperity of the hotels doing successful business here.

50 years ago, 1964
Ignacy Bak of 849 Lisbon St , Lewiston, will be honored with the presentation of a gold watch after 50 years of service with the Bates Manufacturing Company, at a meeting at Poland Springs Hotel, Wednesday. Bak is a weaver at the Bates Division of the Bates Manufacturing Co. On the occasion of the Service Club award dinner Arnold L. Ginsburg, newly elected president of the textile firm, will deliver his first speech in Maine. More than 400 long-time Bates employes will be in attendance to hear Ginsburg and also to honor the Service Club award recipients. Personnel becoming members of the 25-Year Club will be awarded diamond pins.

25 years ago, 1989
With dogs on the leashes and signs urging world peace and disarmament, an estimated crowd of 75 children, youths and adults trekked throughout Lewiston-Auburn Sunday afternoon to raise money for peace projects and related causes. Statewide, 15 separate marches were held as part of PeaceWalk ’89. Sunshine and warm temperatures drew a crowd of some 75 people, said Chris Beam, a Vietnam veteran and president of the local Veterans for Peace chapter. Signs held by marchers said “You Can’t Hug Children with Nuclear Arms,” “Think Beyond War,” and a throw-back to the 1960s —”Make Love not War.”

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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