100 years ago, 1914
Although the Low-King Company, Lewiston, is showing a full line of general wearing apparel for men, it is making a specialty of light suits for dancing. The tango shirts have proven a comfort for one season and now the lightweight suit has come as a blessing to those fond of dancing. A novelty, which this concern is showing, is a brown suit in which is woven a gilt thread. This is rather unique and with the black and white ties worn this year, is decidedly striking. The hats are entirely different from the past few seasons and hardly a stiff hat will he seen on the street; all soft two-toned felts.

50 years ago, 1964
Police have solved the mystery of how a pilotless plane taxied out of its hangar, rumbled across the field and crashed into a fence at East Livermore. Officials said Sunday three juveniles entered the hangar and started the plane’s engine. Damage to the single engine aircraft was estimated at $2,000.

25 years ago, 1989
A fire at the Camden Yarns mill on Beech Street, Lewiston, early Tuesday produced a lot of smoke but few visible flames before firefighters brought it under control in about 95 minutes. No one was injured in the fire, which an employee first reported at about 8:15 a.m. Deputy Chief Brad Dupile said at the scene that three or four yarn machines had apparently caught fire on the second floor. He said the fire was very smoky. “All of my people are wearing masks and self-contained breathing apparatuses,” he said.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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